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YBhg Datu Presiden telah menerima kunjungan hormat Dewanita Sarawak. Rombingan di Ketuai Dewanita, Puan Hajah Juita Haji Drap bersama Timbalan, Setiausaha dan Ahli Jawatankuasa.

Kunjungan hormat tersebut adalah untuk perbincangan dan updates sambil memperkenalkan produk Skincare serta Handsanitizer jenama An Nur yang mudah dibawa ianya satu lagi produk keluaran Bumiputera semasa Pandemik.

KUCHING: Sarawak should not undergo economic shutdown as the Covid-19 cases are not as much as the Malaya’s.

Sarawak Chamber of Bumiputera Entrepreneurs (DUBS) president Datuk Abang Helmi Ikhwan stated that the economic shutdown on the whole country is inconceivable as the livelihood of people needs to be considered despite the rise in Covid-19 cases.

“Since there are a large number of cases coming from industrial workers quarters, the government should prioritise vaccination towards these workers based in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.

“Looking at the Covid-19 cases in Sarawak and its infected location, I do not think that there is any need for us to go through total economic shutdown. This is because the economic cost would be too huge for Sarawak to bear,” he said.

Meanwhile, Abang Helmi expressed that the question of loan moratorium has been a complicated issue.

“Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) originally allowed for automatic loan moratorium last year, but later shifted to a more focused policy of moratorium which is targeted to businesses that need it most.

“This targeted approach is more suitable as it is supposed to assist those that need it most while at the same time does not cause undue stress to the banking sector. However, automatic loan moratorium is only shifting the business burden to the banks, and this presents big risk to the banking sector,” he added.

In his views on the Wage Subsidy Programme, he stated that the one-month subsidy that was decided by the government is very disappointing.

“By giving only one month to the businesses means that the remaining eleven months of the year, business sectors are expected to go by and survive whilst keeping their workers without the government’s assistance.

“Since there are many employers that cannot afford the said problem due to the pandemic, the unemployment rate in this country will increase drastically,” he said.

He also mentioned that if the federal government are not able to grant further wage subsidy, the state government should step in and contribute their helping hand to the federal government.

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15 Disember 2020 – DUBS Cawangan Kuching telah mengadakan rangka kolaborasi bersama TEKUN. Kolaborasi ini adalah sebagai satu usaha DUBS Kuching dalam memajukan dan membangun usahawan Bumiputera yang terlibat dalam pelbagai sektor keusahawanan dan perniagaan mikro sejajar dengan penubuhannya seperti yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan DUBS.

Untuk mendokong komitmen tersebut, DUBS Cawangan Kuching berkeyakinan adalah mustahak untuk menjalinkan kolaborasi strategik dengan sebuah agensi kerajaan yang mempunyai fungsi, peranan dan tanggungjawab khusus dalam membanggun, merangsang dan memperkasa sektor keusahawanan iaitu TEKUN.

Kerjasama antara kedua-dua pihak akan berkerjasama dalam mempromosikan program, skim insentif, pembiayaan dan pinjaman pernaigaan yang ditawarkan oleh TEKUN kepada usahawan kecil yang berminat menceburi sektor keusahawanan dan perniagaan.

Kolaborasi ini akan meletakkan kedua-dua pihak pada posisi yang strategik untuk melahirkan usahawan Bumiputera yang mampu bersaing, meningkatkan, kecekapan dan kompetensi.

Dengan kerjasama ini, DUBS dan TEKUN akan mengadakan kursus, latihan dan bimbingan secara berskala kepada ahli-ahli DUBS Cawangan Kuching.

Untuk jalinan kerjasama tersebut, kedua-dua pihak bersetuju menjalinkan perjanjian kerjasama antara DUBS Cawangan Kuching dan TEKUN. Bagi pihak DUBS Cawangan Kuching ditandatangani oleh Encik Drahman Bin Jaladin, Pengerusi DUBS Cawangan Kuching, untuk pihak TEKUN ditandatangani oleh Haji Khushiri Bin Salleh, Pengurus TEKUN Negeri Sarawak.



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