1. This form is to be fill by participants (owner of the company of director of the company )
2. Please read notes below if you are interested to participate in the DUBS Aspiration Training Programme 2016
Notes : Strictly for DUBS members and would be members
Who should attend : All G1 – G7 Contractors, Consultant and Suppliers
For Inquiry : Puan KuspaBohari – 012 8857778 , Sabini Haji Abang – 013 8288855, HanizamHashim – 010 9821181 Sabini Haji
DUBS Secretariat : 082 - 233133 / 247166. Fax : 082 423134
DUBS Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.